Swedish Massage



Swedish massage is the most common type of massage in Houston, TX and throughout the United States. Swedish massages are sometimes called a classic massage. Swedish massages focus on muscle relaxation by targeting the superficial muscles rather than connective tissues. Using long, gliding strokes to apply pressure to the muscles, the goal of a Swedish massage is to rub the body to increase blood flow toward the heart. This also helps warm up muscle tissue and gradually works out any uncomfortable muscle knots. 


Enjoy a professional Swedish massage in a relaxing, professional environment at A Real Thai Massage. Contact us today to schedule your massage!




There are many benefits to a Swedish massage, including:

Stress Relief
If you’ve been feeling stressed lately, a Swedish massage can help. Swedish massages are more gentle than deep tissue massages, so they are perfect for those looking for relaxation and tension relief. A Swedish massage will loosen up muscles that get tight from daily activities like sitting at a desk and can also help with emotional stress. 

Total Body Relaxation
The technique used during a Swedish massage promotes total body relaxation by releasing muscle tension.

Improved Circulation 
During a Swedish massage, the relaxation reflexes cause the blood vessels to widen, which leads to decreased blood pressure and heart rate. Swedish massages also increase blood flow and oxygen flow throughout the body, which improves circulation. 

 Relief from Chronic Aches and Pains
By rubbing muscles together in the same direction as the blood flow to the heart, Swedish massages are able to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation. A Swedish massage will stretch your tight ligaments to help improve any chronic pain you may have.
Improved Joint Function and Flexibility 
A Swedish massage will elongate the muscles, which will open the joints and decrease swelling. This, in turn, will also ease movement and increase your flexibility. 

Helps to Heal Scar Tissue
Swedish massages may help heal scar tissue by applying pressure to break up the adhesion and collagen fibers that are caused by scar tissue. 

Eliminate Metabolic Waste
Swedish massages drain metabolic waste from the limbs of the body by using long strokes toward the heart. The increased blood flow means that your muscles are receiving more oxygen and more nutrients, therefore your body is removing toxins efficiently. 


While there are some slight variations between every practitioner’s massage techniques, you can expect mostly similar occurrences with every Swedish massage.

Swedish massage sessions can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. To achieve the best results, we strongly recommend longer sessions, though short sessions can still be beneficial.

The practitioner will lubricate your skin with massage oil and perform several different types of massage strokes in order to calm your nervous system, relax your muscles, and work specific areas of the body that are giving you trouble.

The different types of Swedish massage strokes are:

  • Effleurage: Long, gliding strokes with the palms, thumbs, and/or fingertips that alternate between firm and light pressure.
  • Petrissage: Kneading, wringing, and squeezing movements that compress the skin and muscles.
  • Friction: Circular or back-and-forth motions with the fingertips or palm that produce heat.
  • Vibration: Back-and-forth motions with the fingertips or the heel of the hand that shake muscles.
  • Percussion: Quick, regular tapping with the fingertips, the edge of the hand, or a cupped hand.

As always, we ask you to let us know of any medical conditions, aches and pains, specific problem areas, or discomfort you feel before or during the massage.


If you're ready to experience the benefits of a Swedish massage, give us a call today! 

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